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transmitted by ticks


Ehrlichiosis is an infectious vector-borne disease caused by the bacteria Ehrlichia spp., that grows in blood cells and affects the immune system. This bacterium is transmitted to the dog by the bite of a brown tick named Rhipicephalus. Transmission to dogs is possible from only 3 hours after tick attachment. 

Depending on the genus of the incriminated bacterium, the signs are fever, lethargy, pale mucous membranes, difficulties in moving etc. The clinical signs are not very specific, and the treatment is really different from the one of other tick-borne diseases. That’s why it is important to accurately diagnose! 

The disease can often remain silent without the dog showing any signs but the dog is still a reservoir for the development of the pathogen. Ticks can also infect human even if it’s very rarely. 

Fortunately, you can use a combination of preventive measures to reduce the risk: 

• Reducing the dog exposure to tick bites: carefully check the possible presence of ticks on your dog after every walk and remove them with care as soon as possible.

• Use a product that repels and kills ticks with proven efficacy.

• Follow your veterinarian advice for testing.

Geographical distribution

The prevalence map of Ehrlichia shows more risk in tropical areas. However, Ehrlichia infection map is spreading. Now, the geographical distribution of Ehrlichia is worldwide, like its vector. 

Up-to-date information about Ehrlichia in dogs distribution map is considered by the experts an important point to more know and better protect vector tick-borne diseases, have a look on the real-time Ehrlichiosis map!

Discover more about canine ehrlichiosis prevalence with Pr. Gaetano Oliva (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) and Dr. Luigi Venco (Veterinary consultant, Pavia, Italy).

Ehrlichiosis   map

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